Sunday, 20 November 2011

Studio Pinata Picnic and meeting Jan Duffy

Hi everyone,

Just to follow up on the text that was sent- the date for the picnic and a chance for Jan to meet everyone will be Wednesday 7th Dec. We will get some cider and snacks and make our pinatas in the sunshine it will be fun!! Please let me know if you can make it down, it would be great for Jan to meet everyone before the end of the year and to get a start to the project. We have organised the timing as late in the year as possible before the gallery shuts to avoid clashing with peoples exhibitions and Uni commitments, although we can work at the gallery throughout summer, this will be the last chance for you to all meet Jan-she is very excited about the project and the list of artists involved, if we can get this thing running I think some really big developments could happen. It's such a great opportunity to work together and get to know each others practise, I really think this could be great for all of us!!!

p.s i know we are not going down the religious line of inquiry but thought this was a good quote and some interesting related stuff!

"The Christian resolve to find the world evil and ugly, has made the world evil and ugly." - Friedrich Nietzsche

the church inquistion: witch craft and other torture devices for woman

I also thought of the Church seeking out witch craft/heretics and the many different torture devices used against woman-especially that we are all unmarried female artists, we would have all been strung up and burnt at the stake! priests also apparently believed that a witch lost her powers when she was suspended off the ground so the hanging heads also reminded me of this..

Thanks Sherry!

These are great, both really strong images. I'm drawn to both of them, Janas seems very fitting with idea of beginning and transition considering we will be crushing the heads of the pinatas to reveal what is beneath-transition from the head to the work blah blah...
When I thought of the heads hanging and the 13 females this is the kind of imagery that came to mind... Madame Tussauds chambers of horror